What Can a Creative Consultant Do For You?

Posted on: 3 August 2020

Films are a unique type of media. They use audio and visual information to convey meaning, allowing filmmakers to tell moving, complex stories. Whether you're new to making movies or you've been doing it for years, a creative consulting firm can help you elevate your films. Here are three things a creative consulting service can do for your film project:

1. Clarify Your Vision

Whenever you set out to create a film, there is some driving motivator behind the creation process. You may have a particular story that you wish to tell. Some filmmakers develop a character that they feel passionate about, then build a film from there. You may wish to create a film to explore a particular theme that's close to your heart.

There is no wrong reason to make a movie. However, you should be clear about your motivations before you begin. By asking the right questions, a creative consultant can help you articulate your vision in clear terms. Understanding what you're trying to accomplish can help you make a better movie.

2. Help You Hit the Right Beats for Your Genre

Like books, films are typically categorized by genre. The genre of a film gives moviegoers an idea of what they can expect from the movie. People who enjoy romance movies have vastly different tastes and expectations than those who love action movies. Genre fans will be disappointed if their expectations aren't met. As a filmmaker, this means you need to strive to hit the correct beats for your genre.

The plot points in your film are all considered beats. When organized in a specific way, they can tell an excellent story. A creative consultant is well-versed in film genres. They will help you ensure you hit all the right beats for a well-rounded and satisfying story.

3. Assist You with the Screenplay Writing Process

Once you have the plot of your movie outlined and you're confident in your film goals, you need to begin writing your screenplay. A screenplay is also known as a script. It provides all the direction that actors, set designers, directors, and producers need to create the movie you envision. A good screenplay contains dynamic dialogue, interesting action, and eye-catching visuals.

Writing a screenplay is difficult if you've never done it before. Even accomplished fiction writers can have trouble working with this new style of writing. A creative consultant like Robert O'Twomney can help you meet the challenges of screenplay writing with guidance. 
